Missouri River Independent Advisory Panel

Third Party Science Neutral

Dr. Steve Bartell of Oak Ridge Associated Universities serves as the current TPSN.

The The TPSN is responsible for managing the ISAP, including liaising between the panel and MRRIC, the John S. McCain III National Center for Environmental Conflict Resolution, USACE and USFWS.

MRRIC and the Lead Agencies work with the TPSN, to develop topics and questions to be addressed by the ISAP. This charge includes instructions to the panelists regarding the topic, expected products, how panel deliberations will be conducted, and the timeline for completing their task. The TPSN facilitates all panel deliberations and keeps the panelists on track. All communication regarding the topics under consideration, between the Corps, MRRIC members, and candidate or selected panelists, are coordinated through the TPSN.

The TPSN ensures full consideration of multiple perspectives on the issues and a structured process that guarantees the integrity of an independent review, avoids bias, and guides communications between Independent Advisory Panel members and the Corps, MRRIC, and other interested parties.

For more information about the approach, structure, and ground rules for the Independent Advisory Panel process click here.

This page was last updated 1/11/2021.