Missouri River Restoration and Recovery


This website constitutes an historical record of the MRRIC Charter Planning Group Process, which ended July 2008. For current information about the MRRIC stakeholder process, including how to apply for membership on the Committee, please go to http://www.mrric.org.

Lanny Meng

Orrick, Missouri

Lanny Meng

Lanny Meng, a fourth generation Missouri River bottom farmer, returned to the family farm in Holt County in 1977 to continue a successful and progressive tradition of corn and soybean production. Lanny attended the University of Missouri, was inducted into Tau Beta Pi, (engineering honor society) and graduated magna cum laude with a Bachelor of Science degree in Agricultural Engineering. Lanny maintains membership in the University of Missouri Alumni Association and College of Engineering Alumni Association as well as being an active member on the UMC College of Engineering Public Policy Council.

For comments or questions about this website, please contact: usiecr@ecr.gov. This page was last updated 7/17/2019.